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Displaying matches 3801 - 3825 of 9405 in total
Lemma ▲ Part of speech Gloss
ἐχέθυμος Adjective
Ἐχεκράτης Proper noun
ἐχεπευκής Adjective
ἐχέφρων Adjective
ἐχθέω Verb
ἐχθίων Adjective
ἐχθοδοπέω Verb
ἔχθος Common noun
ἔχθρα Common noun
ἐχθρός Adjective
ἔχθω Verb
ἔχιδνα Common noun
ἐχῖνος Common noun
ἔχμα Common noun
ἐχυρός Adjective
ἐχυρῶς Adverb
ἔχω Verb
ἕψησις Common noun
ἕψω Verb
ἕως Subjunction
ἕως Adverb
ἕωσπερ Subjunction
Ζαγκλαῖος Adjective
Ζάγκλη Proper noun
ζάθεος Adjective